
Distributori Automatici Plastic-free


 Vendita e noleggio depuratori  

Ultrafiltrazione domestica - Bar - Ristoranti - Mense - Uffici - Scuole

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Negozi convenzionati  

Punti vendita e ricarica tessere  


Acqua gratis

Dai commercianti convenzionati

Un servizio per il cittadino e per l'imprenditore che vuole aderire al Franchising di Case dell'Acqua

Distributori 4.0

Entra nella rete di Partner Acquaditalia.

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The circuit works like this..

​Convenient card convenient and easy to use

customer is offered the opportunity to purchase, for a negligible amount, different types of card, from the basic one to the most advantageous, thanks to the promotions. The customer will pay for the water included in the card only during the activation phase and from that moment on he will be able to top it up without time and quantity limits, free of charge. The free top-up brings another great advantage which translates into the possibility of using the points loaded as credit to carry out one's daily expenses for free, thus increasing its purchasing power.

How the "Free Water" circuit works

The patented circuit is the driving force behind the Acquaditalia format, it offers a new way of interpreting commerce and consumption: where commercial activities of all product categories are involved, which automatically refill a liter of water for every euro spent in their business, with no amount limits. This allows the registered customer to drink ultra-filtered, still-sparkling, refrigerated and high-quality water free of charge.

How the "Free shopping" circuit works

The result and purpose of the Free Water circuit is to load many more liters for free compared to the annual requirement of a family (it is sufficient to calculate the total average expenditure of a family on an annual basis, to understand what numbers we are talking about) a large part of that expenditure can be made at affiliated businesses that top up the card. On the liters accumulated and not used for the withdrawal of water, another great advantage arises, which allows you to transform that refill into shopping vouchers to be used in commercial activities to get free shopping. The shopping vouchers can be used without constraints in all participating establishments and without a minimum spending limit for their use.

In Italy every year:​

11 BILLION liters of bottled water consumed.

7 BILLION plastic bottles produced.

​200,000 plastic waste produced.

700,000 tons of CO2 emitted for the production of bottles​

​300,000 trucks circulate for the transport of mineral waters.

1 liter of bottled water averages 25 cents.

300 € average annual expenditure of the family for bottled water.

2% actual cost of the water on the cost of the bottle.

60% cost of packaging on the total cost of the bottle.

​38% cost of transport and distribution.

​Acquaditalia distributors today

0 plastic bottles produced.​

0 of plastic waste produced.

0 Tonnes of CO2 emitted for the production of bottles

0 trucks circulate for the transport of mineral waters.

1 liter of water 9 cents or free for those who choose the "Free Water" commercial circuit

From 0 to 70 € average annual expenditure of the family for water.

100% cost effective water.

​0% cost of packaging on the total cost of water.

0% cost of transport and distribution. ( KM.0 )

I vantaggi per i Convenzionati

Contattaci per scoprire i vantaggi per le attività che entrano nel circuito dei negozianti convenzionati